AYF (Asia Pacific Youth Development Foundation)

Future City Summit 2022

Future City Summit 2022 – “Legacy Rejuvenating – Little Dragon Rise Again”

Future City Summit (the FCS) is an annual meeting hosted by the Good City Foundation, supported by 35 City Partners in Asia, Africa, Europe and North America. The annual meet promotes insights of cities in the domains of social technology innovations, urban design and public governance and provides an inclusive networking platform with future young city leaders. …

Future City Summit 2022 – “Legacy Rejuvenating – Little Dragon Rise Again” Read More »

AYF Influencer Dialogue: Learn about Mental Health in Hong Kong

Want to build up your social innovation project and co-create something meaningful for our community? AYF rolled out the Young Influencer Lab earlier this year as a pre-incubation and innovation training programme designed for aspirational changemakers to build up their project portfolio and accelerate their impact journey. …

AYF Influencer Dialogue: Learn about Mental Health in Hong Kong Read More »

[Insights] Hong Kong gets a chance to engage the power of community education

Research by the Equal Opportunities Commission has revealed that more than 50 per cent of the ethnic minority population attained post-secondary education in both 2011 and 2016, which is higher than the rate for the general population. …

[Insights] Hong Kong gets a chance to engage the power of community education Read More »

Empowering ethnic minority youths for local kids!

In regard of providing quality education and promoting multi-cultural experiences, Young Influencer Lab of the Asia Pacific Youth Development Foundation has funded the “D-Generation Learning Support Scheme”, which provides ethnic minority tertiary students with the opportunity to use their strengths and participate in the community. …

Empowering ethnic minority youths for local kids! Read More »

Education is the best gift to children

According to a study by the World Economic Forum and The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, the education gap is widening during the pandemic, as students in grassroots households are not getting adequate support. Inequality in education is becoming critical. …

Education is the best gift to children Read More »

[Computer Donation] Christmas Gifts for students

As students stay at home during the pandemic, they need adequate supplies to continue their studies away from schools. Thanks to the generous donations from kind hearted individuals and organisations, the AYF received and delivered some tablets and SIM cards to students of Lok Sin Tong Yeung Chung Ming Primary School. We hope this will help students keep pace with their studies and wish them a Merry Christmas. …

[Computer Donation] Christmas Gifts for students Read More »